User Guide (Desktop App) (16)
Last Published by Hugo
1. Getting started with SpinOffice
1.1 Registration Free registration is possible in the web app, desktop software, or mobile app. WEB APP Start with SpinOffice CRM by registering for free on the website. Enter your data (first name, last name, company name, email address) and a password to create your free account. Use the web app to explore the basics of SpinOffice CRM, and download the desktop version to get more of the SpinOffice CRM experience. DESKTOP You can register within the software if you already downloaded SpinOffice CRM on a Windows PC or Mac. An encrypted database has been created for you. MOBILE APP If you downloaded SpinOffice CRM from the iOS App Store or Google Play store, register within the mobile app, and an encrypted database will be created for you. Your database is accessible from any desktop or laptop (macOS 10.13 and later, Windows PC), iOS, or Android device with an internet connection and the software installed. 1.2 Your Home Dashboard The first time you log in, you will enter the Home dashboard. It contains various widgets, such as the last contacts you have used, your most recent emails, current tasks, and all your upcoming appointments. More widgets are available via the gear icon in the top right corner. Go through the short tour and watch the introduction video per widget to see what the feature can and does. Within every widget (except for tasks) we offer you the possibility to import data. Use the import button or the hamburger icon, menu option Import within the widget. Some steps will help you set up your account quickly: Integrate your email: go to your inbox to configure your email from there. A wizard will help you bring it in. When your account allows IMAP, your inbox folder, sent items and trash folder will be in sync. All emails are automatically linked to contacts in the database and they are stored in the archive of the contact. Import contacts: from e.g. Outlook, LinkedIn, Google, or any other platform that supports export to .CSV, XLS, or .XLSX format. Another option is the quick import of all your Office 365 contacts or macOS Address Book. Import your calendar: from Office 365 of Apple Calendar. Invite your colleagues: in order to collaborate with your colleagues you may invite them into your database. Rights and roles can be set per user in the Pro edition. We are available to help you with setting up the account via Live chat, email, or by phone (+31 70 3115405). On our website, we have included a brief Getting Started list of important steps you can take to set up your database and get off to a good start.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 10:46 AM -
2. General information
SpinOffice helps you manage relationships and save time by keeping everything organized. All your contacts, emails, tasks, calendars, documents, projects, and archives are stored in one secure, central database, accessible to you and your team. Files and messages are encrypted in the cloud, with only you holding the key. When collaborating with multiple users, the administrator can control each user's permissions for added security. 2.1 The difference between Limited and Pro 2.2 A contact card for every contact 2.3 Header bar, Main menu & Screen preferences 2.1 The difference between Limited and Pro You can use the Limited obligation-free edition until you reach 50 items. An item includes each manually added contact, sent email, and document or attachment. Mass contact imports and incoming emails don’t count. Try the SpinOffice Limited edition as long as you like to see if it meets your needs. Set up email, import contacts, create email templates, archive notes and memos, create filters, and send mailings to your contacts. Upgrade to Pro for € 34,50 per user per month (billed annually) in the first year. Only users with a Pro license will be fully operational. The Pro license fee in the following years is € 37,90 per user per month (billed annually). For US users USD price is applicable, for all other countries including EU member state users, the EUR price is applicable. An upgrade to Pro gives you: Upgrade your free license(s) to Pro in the license dashboard. 2.2 A contact card for every contact SpinOffice organizes each business contact in its file within the database. The Contact List screen lets you search and filter contacts by multiple fields. The selected contact's details are displayed on the right. Double-click a contact or company name to open their contact card. This works throughout the software—just click any name to view the card. The contact card acts as an "archive," displaying contact details on the left, along with all communication, tasks, notes, appointments, attachments, and files associated with that contact. We explain this in more detail in the chapter 3. Contacts section. 2.3 Header bar, Main menu & Screen preferences SpinOffice is available on the web, desktop (Windows and Mac), and mobile. In general, the layout and features are the same on any platform. Below is an example of the Contact list screen on a Mac desktop. At the top, you have screen tabs to navigate through the important screens/features of the software. There are a few important points about the screen tabs: Go to menu Administration -> User settings -> Default tabs to do this. And manage the tabs to open when you log in to SpinOffice. See below: Drag them in preferred order and tick the screens you want to have opened on login. Click -> Save to confirm. Next time you log in, the preferred order is applicable. The Pro version allows you to drag tabs outside the application window, for instance, to have your Inbox open on another screen. To do this, go to the menu option: Administration -> User settings -> Default tabs and tick the checkbox 'Allow dragging tabs out of the application.' Click Save to confirm. Next time you log in, the option is applicable. All new emails, open emails, call reports, memos, etc. That you create will appear in a new tab. When you click on ‘Send’ or Close, the tab will automatically close, and you can continue where you were. Below the screen tabs you have a colored header bar where you find the most used menu items for that screen. This header bar has different colors for each important screen: Home dashboard = gray Contacts list = green Contact's archive = green Inbox = blue Kanban board = orange Calendar = purple In the header bar, you have the main menu on the left. This main menu contains all the options and actions that you have access to in your version. Go to Administration to customize the database. Read all about the items here in Chapter 12. Administration menu options. On the right side of the header bar, there are the screen preferences. This part is different for each screen and shows you all the settings that you can adjust and set for the selected screen.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 11:02 AM -
3. The Contacts section
3.1 Screen layout 3.2 Adding new contacts 3.3 Editing name & address information 3.4 Adding, editing & deleting contact details 3.5 Tags 3.6 Deleting & Merging contacts 3.7 Searching contacts 3.8 Filtering contacts 3.9 Mass mailings based on filters 3.10 Bulk contact change 3.11 Contact types 3.12 Synchronization of contacts 3.1 Screen layout One of the most important screens is the contact list, where all your business contacts in the database can be found. The contact list contains, in addition to all contacts and associated name and address details, all relevant information of the selected contact. This can be found on the right side of the screen. Every contact has its archive; you can navigate to this by clicking on the contact's name in the list. In the following paragraphs, we discuss all the functions that the contact list screen includes. First, we start with a layout of the screen. The contact list screen is divided into two parts. 01. Contact list All contacts in the database can be found here. Use the search function at the top to find any contact. On the right side, you will find all name and address details, tags, open tasks/folders, etc. of the selected contact. We will explain this further in point 2. The contacts are not in alphabetical order but in a smart ranking based on last interactions. You can customize the columns by going to the cog wheel at the top right and then Customize widget -> Manage columns. Double-click on a name to open the archive of that contact. Use the right-click on a contact to perform quick actions such as changing contact details, sending an email, or creating a task. 02. Contact widget On the right, you will find the contact widget. In addition to all names and contact details, you can see at a glance what is going on with this selected contact. The right side therefore differs per selected contact. Easily add contact data via the '+', add tags, or adjust information (such as info fields and extra details) easily via the Edit icon. We call all the different parts on the right side 'widgets'. You can therefore adjust or fill in the information for the relevant contacts per widget. Do you want to adjust the order and visibility of the entire right side, the contact widget? That is possible. Click on the gear at the top right and choose Customize widget -> Contact widget. 3.2 Adding new contacts In SpinOffice you can add your contacts in several ways (imported or manually added) in different quantities (multiple or individual) and at different locations. SpinOffice offers the following. 3.2.1. Importing multiple existing contacts Import your business and personal contacts from various sources into SpinOffice CRM. See the options below. You will find the import options at your Home Dashboard, the Contacts widget hamburger icon, or via the Contacts screen, then the menu option Extra -> Import -> Contacts. All imported contacts instantly end up neatly in your contact list. Apple Contacts: This option is available for Mac users only. Once you click on the button, SpinOffice imports all your contacts including their contact details. On the mobile iOS app, the option is in the right top corner. Office 365 Contacts: At the touch of a button all contacts, including contact details, addresses, and notes are imported into your CRM. You connect your Office 365 account once and SpinOffice does the rest! All your contacts from Office 365 instantly end up neatly in your contact list. This is an import and not a sync. Although SYNC is also possible. This option can be found within the main menu, option Administration -> User settings -> Synchronization. From .CSV or .XLS file: Select the option ‘.CSV, XLS or XSLX format’ and upload your data file from your local computer. You only have to make a match between the data from the Excel columns and the proper field in SpinOffice. SpinOffice helps you as much as possible in this process. This way we make it a simple and convenient step. Please define the contact type too. If not defined they will all get the contact type 'Import' in SpinOffice. It is possible to mass change this afterward in case it should be different. Note: Use for import of the country field into SpinOffice the two-letter ISO country code in your Excel file. For a complete list of all codes: Mailchimp In the Pro version, you're able to connect to Mailchimp by providing a Mailchimp API Key and picking a mailing list to import. 3.2.2. Adding an individual new contact You can add a new contact on various spots in the application: The contact screen: choose Add Contact at the top of the screen. Your Inbox: when you receive an email from an unknown contact in SpinOffice, you can immediately add this person as a new to the database via the question mark icon. The main menu: option New -> Contact. In all cases, the following popup appears. Fill in the relevant information and go to the sub-items on the left to add more information about the contact, such as the info fields and the tags. In the 'Contact type' field at the top, indicate which type of contact you want to add. For example, a company, supplier, personal friend, prospect, etc. Create your contact types via the main menu option Administration -> Contact type. When you add an email address to the new contact, use "Link all emails to this contact" if you also want to have all emails in the archive. Check the box and SpinOffice will collect all emails in the database and store them in the archive of this contact. By default, this setting is ticked. Once you have entered all the contact details, click Save and SpinOffice will create a new contact and add it to the database. New contacts receive their contact card where you can store all relevant information and also an archive where all communications end up. 3.3 Editing name & address information Wherever the contact is listed, you can adjust its details. There is always a 'burger' icon or use the right-click on a contact and choose Edit contact details. Below is an example of the contact screen. You will then arrive at the screen where you can adjust all information. Click Save to process the changes. 3.4 Adding, editing & deleting contact details You can change all contact details, such as telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, fax numbers, websites, as well as name and address details, via the above method. But you can also easily do this within the contact widget of a relevant contact in your database. We will discuss that below. Add contact information 1. Click the '+' icon. 2. Select what to add: email, phone number (including fax), website URL, or "Other" (e.g., Skype name). 3. Provide a description when prompted. 4. Uncheck "Standard" to save the info under OTHER NUMBERS, or prevent an email from appearing in new email headers. 5. For email addresses, checking "Private" hides messages from other users. 6. Click Save. All inputs sync seamlessly with mobile devices. Important: The first email address mentioned will be the default address used for sending individual emails and for mass emails. To move another email address as default, just use the right-click on the email address you want to move to the top and select Put on top. See the example below. Edit Contact Details - Right-click the item, select "Edit," update the info, and click "Save." Delete Contact Details - Right-click the item, select "Delete," and confirm. - To remove linked messages, check "Disconnect this email address from this contact." Otherwise, messages remain saved. - Click "Ok." Websites and email addresses are clickable. Clicking an email opens a new message, and clicking a website opens it in your browser. 3.5 Tags Use tags to organize your business contacts. Choose tags based on products, services, categories, status, or customer traits. Assign the appropriate tags in your CRM to easily search, categorize, and filter contacts. 3.5.1 How do you tag your contacts? In SpinOffice, you can add or edit tags for a contact via the Tags tab on the left of the Add Contact screen. Tags can also be added directly from the Contact screen. To do that, go through these steps: Go to the Contact screen. Find the desired contact for which you want to add tags. You will find the tags widget on the right. Add tags as you want by entering them manually. Or choose previously selected tags from a drop-down list. All added tags are immediately shown. Go through your contacts to add your tags. You have an unlimited number of tags at your disposal. 3.5.2 Manage all tags You can manage your tags in the main menu under Administration -> Tags. Add or remove unlimited tags as needed. See the example below. All tags that you have manually used for contacts are also shown on this screen. Important: In the Pro and Enterprise versions, you have access to tag groups. This offers the possibility to create categories and use different colors. 3.5.3 Search and filter contacts based on tags Searching by tags is very easy. Start the search with the hashtag "#" and then enter the tag. Below is an example where we filter on the tag "hot prospect". Pressing #hot will show the tag. Click on the tag in the search list and all contacts with the tag "hot prospect" will be filtered and displayed. Another way to make a filter of your contact based on a filter is to create a filter on an existing tag at a contact. First, go to a contact that has the tag you want to filter on. Then click on the 'tag' icon next to the tag shown and choose Filter. All contact with this tag is filtered and shown. 3.5.4. Removing tags Of course, you can easily remove the tags from an individual contact by clicking on the 'tag' icon next to the displayed tag and choosing Delete. Do you want to delete an entire tag? Then go to the menu option Administration -> Tags and remove the tag itself. The tag will be removed for all contacts. 3.6 Deleting & Merging contacts 3.6.1 Deleting contacts There are various options to delete contacts: an individual in the database, all contacts of a certain contact type, or a filtered group of contacts. To delete an individual contact: Go to the contact screen. Find the contact you want to delete. Click once to select the contact. Use the right-click and choose Delete. Click Ok to confirm. To delete all contacts of the same contact type: Go to the Contact screen. Click on Filter contacts at the top of the screen. The following screen is displayed. Select 'Contact type' as the first field. In the second field you choose the condition, for example "is", "is not", "contains" or "does not contain". Under 'Value', enter the contact type for which you want to delete all contacts. Are all three fields filled in? Then click on Filter. All contacts are shown. Now, click on Mass Actions at the top of the screen. Choose Delete contacts and confirm. All contacts of the relevant contact type have now been deleted. Please note that you cannot undo this action. Please contact us if any contacts need to be restored. To delete a filtered group of contacts: Filter all contacts that should be deleted (see Chapter 3.8 How to do that). Click on Mass Actions at the top of the screen. Choose Delete contacts and confirm. 3.6.2 Merging contacts On the Contact screen, find the contact you want to keep in the database. That will be the 'main contact'. Use the right-click on a contact in the list. Choose Merge contacts. The following screen is displayed. The first field is the 'main contact', which you cannot edit. Search and find the duplicate contact in the database. So this will disappear. Click Merge to add the contact details and the entire archive to the main contact. If a contact appears more than twice in the database, you will have to go through the above steps many times until only one contact remains. 3.7 Searching contacts Use the search field on the left side of the screen to find any contact. All search results are displayed immediately. All your contacts are arranged smartly and can be found by first or last name, company name, or email address. 3.8 Filtering contacts Filters allow you to obtain an overview of contacts that meet certain search criteria. For example, would you like to have an overview of all your prospects, or of all customers that are located in the same country? Or do you want to send a mailing to all your former customers? You can filter on almost every field and you can also filter on filter. How do you do that? We will show you. Filtering can be done in many different places. Below you can see the different ways. These are the options: At the top of the screen: choose Filter contacts at the top of the screen and determine which field you want to filter on. Creates the desired conditions for your selection yourself; for example, "company name is...", or "contact type is...", or "zip code contains...". Within the contact widget: choose a filter option within the contact widget on the right: Click on the name funnel to filter by contact type, and first or last name. To filter by this label, click the icon to the right of the desired tag. Click the funnel next to an info field to filter by this value. In all cases, the filter result is shown where your contacts are normally located. See below. The example below shows the 12 'hot prospects' that have these tags. Within the filter result, you can apply one or more filters again in the same way and thus reduce your selection. Filtering is an extremely powerful function within SpinOffice that you can do a lot with and that is widely used. It offers you the opportunity to quickly make selections that you can then send a personal mailing. 3.9 Mass mailings based on filters Sending mass mailings or group mailings is only available in Pro and Enterprise versions. To create a group grind, you must first create a filter as described in the previous section. After that, go through the following steps: Click on Mass actions on top: The following options are shown: Choose Send group mailing. A new screen will open where you can type a message in the default template. Fill the template with content or choose an existing email template at the bottom. Make sure you enter a subject. That is mandatory. This is also the subject as the recipients see it. At the top, you can adjust the sender, and at the bottom the option to send the mailing as a private message. Is the template ready to send? Then click Send at the top left. Choose Create concept or Send. If you choose Create a Concept, these can be found in the Concepts folder in your inbox. 3.10 Bulk contact change If you want to customize a contact type for multiple contacts or give it a specific tag, you can do so quickly and easily. To create a bulk contact change: First, filter the contacts that you want to give a different value. Filter as described in section 3.8. Click on Mass Actions at the top of the screen. The following options are shown. Choose Bulk contact change. The following screen is displayed. Decide what you want to do with the filtered contacts. In our example the 12 hot prospects. Select a field to fill or change for the filtered group. Click Change to act. After implementing the desired mass action, the adjustments are immediately visible in your database. Being able to create filters and the associated possibility of mass actions is therefore an extremely powerful function in SpinOffice. 3.11 Contact types SpinOffice works with contact types. This is a useful way to distinguish between the different types of relationships you have such as customers, prospects, suppliers, stakeholders, etc. You can add an unlimited number of contact types to the database. Go to the menu option Administration -> Contact types to see all contact types in your database. See the example below. Click '+' on the right to add a new contact type. An empty line will be added at the bottom where you can add a new contact type. Give a name and choose a color. Click Save on the right to save the item and it will be added as a contact type. Now you can use it for every contact in the database. Do you now want to give a group of contacts the newly added contact type? That can be done very easily! Do a bulk contact change. 3.12 Synchronization of contacts In both the free Limited and Pro editions it is possible to synchronize contacts located in SpinOffice with your mobile devices (iOS and Android) using a CardDAV account. In addition, you can easily synchronize your contacts with your Office 365 contacts. In SpinOffice, go to the menu option Administration -> User settings -> Synchronization to activate this. Please go to Chapter 14 to read how to activate the sync.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 12:17 PM -
4. The Archive
Every contact in SpinOffice has its archive. The archive is the collection box of all correspondence, files, appointments, tasks, memos, etc. linked to the relevant relationship. Within the archive, you can retrieve all information from the past. Communications can be filtered by type and files can be created to store information. This is all covered in this chapter. 4.1 Screen layout 4.2 Emails and files 4.3 Filtering in archive 4.4 Right-click menu options 4.5 Import files 4.1 Screen layout The archive is divided into four parts. Below we explain what can be found where. 1: Contact widget Just like in the contacts screen, you will find the contact widget in the archive, but here on the left. This column shows the name and address and contact details, outstanding tasks, files, etc. This way you can see at a glance what is going on with this contact. The contact widget is therefore different for each contact in the database. Just like from the relationship screen, you can adjust the information or add something. To do this, use the 'hamburger' icon at the top of the contact widget. 2: Correspondence Overview This section shows all items associated with this relationship in chronological order. So all incoming and outgoing emails, attachments, documents, tasks, calendar items, telephone notes, memos, etc. Completed emails and tasks have a checkmark to indicate that this has been completed. All archive items can be opened from here. And if you right-click on an item, you will find many options. These are discussed in section 4.4. 3: Preview section The selected message is shown below the correspondence overview. This changes per item you click. 4: Quick actions From an archive, you can easily email the relevant contact, create a document, or make a note. All these options can be found in the colored header bar. All items that are made naturally end up in the archive. All mentioned options can also be found in the menu. 4.2 Emails and files In the archive, a distinction has been made between where all messages (emails, tasks, appointments, memos, and notes) can be found and all files (attachments, imported files, documents). The messages are shown by default. Click Files to find all files associated with the contact. See below how to get to all files. Use the search function at the top right to search for the contents of the archive. 4.3 Filtering in Archive In the archive, it is possible to filter only all incoming messages or notes. Click on the funnel icon next to Type and choose the desired filter. 4.4 Right-click menu options As indicated at the beginning of this chapter, there are a lot of smart functions available in the archive. Many of these functions are located under the right-click. Most options are self-explanatory, but we will highlight a few. Link to Contact: link the message to every other contact in the database. Link to Folder: link the message or file to a folder of this contact or any folder in the database. Link to Task: link the message to an existing task. So messages can be linked to tasks. This makes a task even more complete! Link to Colleague: link the message to any other user within the database. This can be useful to later find out who was involved. All linked users will receive a notification in their inbox. Convert to Task: turn this message into a new task. The message is attached to the task. The task can of course be found in the Kanban board. View logs: here you can see who did what and when with this message. 4.5 Import files In the archive, go to Files to find the linked files. You can import files in different ways. Drag local files from your desktop, Finder (Mac) / Explorer (Windows) into this archive section to import and therefore directly link to the relevant contact. Or click Import in the top bar and select your file/files. After you import files, they are immediately displayed. Use the right-click on a file for various options. See below⬇️
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 12:22 PM -
5. The Email integration
In order to import your previous communication and to build up your database you must configure your email. Go to the inbox and provide SpinOffice with the correct IMAP settings of your email account. Multiple accounts can be added in the Pro version. In the free Limited edition, we only synchronize the last 30 days of your inbox, sent items, and your trash folder. In the Pro edition, all email history is being fetched. 5.1 Configuring your email 5.2 Sending emails from out of the contact card 5.3 Compose new email message; screen layout 5.4 Managing email templates 5.5 Personal information for your email signature 5.6 Action types 5.1 Configuring your email SpinOffice will help you via a wizard in the inbox where you can enter the proper account credentials and incoming mail server settings (IMAP) from the mail account(s). Until your email has been configured correctly, SpinOffice will show you the following popup every time you open your inbox: (When this popup is not shown, go to the Inbox tab/window, then the gear icon at the top right of your screen, choose 'Email accounts,' and then the '+' icon) 1. Select the email account of your choice. 2. Enter the email address and click on 'Start'. 3. Enter the account password. Office 365: follow the steps and SpinOffice will connect with your Office 365 account. Outlook: follow the steps and SpinOffice will connect with your Outlook account. Gmail: it will automatically connect. It might block SpinOffice from connecting. Here's a checklist to solve that. IMAP: SpinOffice will try to find the right IMAP settings. Click on 'Show server settings' to manually enter the right account credentials. 4. Click on 'Connect' to make the connection. 5. After a few minutes, SpinOffice shows you the result: If the connection is made successfully, the setup wizard is closed and your emails will come in. If not, please adjust the server settings; your account name, password, and incoming email server. Tip: check how the account is configured on your phone, the same IMAP settings are used there. 6. When SpinOffice keeps saying that we cannot connect, please contact us for free support to solve the issue. When the connection is successful, go to Inbox to see all incoming messages. In the free Limited version, you can connect 1 email account. All messages over the last 30 days will be brought into your inbox. With a Pro license, for 5 email accounts all incoming messages, sent items, and trash items will be in sync. Do you see a red gear at the top right of your inbox? Then there is something wrong with the email settings. Double-click the account name, manually enter/adjust the IMAP setting, and test the connection. Important: If you don’t know your IMAP settings or you don’t succeed, please save any (incorrect) settings so we have some information to use in order to try to help you! 5.2 Sending emails from out of the contact card Within SpinOffice, sending an email is of course possible via the 'Compose' option in the inbox. But besides that, it is very easy to send emails from the contact card: 1. Find the person you would like to send a message to, via the search box in the top left corner. This ensures that the email will be created including the correct contact information (email address and salutation) and that the email will end up in the archive of this contact. 2. Double-click on the email address stated in the CONTACT DETAILS section on the right or click on ‘Email' in the toolbar. 3. An existing email template can also be selected by clicking on the small arrow next to the email icon in the toolbar. In the drop-down menu which will appear you can select your template. 4. A new message window will appear. In the next paragraph, we will explain the screen layout. 5. After composing an email, click on ‘Send’ and the message will be stored in the contact’s archive. 5.3 Compose new email message; screen layout When creating a new email the screen shows as follows. Most of the options in the email message screen will be clear, but let's discuss them. First the menu items: Send: the email will be sent. Internal to: when using SpinOffice with multiple users, the option to send internal messages to colleagues. Links: link the email to multiple contacts in the database, to any folder, and add internal attachments to it. Draft: save the email to your Draft folder. Print: print the email. Now, the options in the salutation part: To: Select any contact in the database you want to send the message to. Cc/Bcc: Once you add any Cc address, the Bcc row will instantly appear too. Upload: upload any file and add this to the email. Now, the options at the bottom: Template picker: select any email template that you have created in Template Builder. Priority: give priority. Private: Mark the email as private for all other database users. Drag local files into the screen to have them attached or embedded. When you have finished composing the message, click on ‘Send’ in the top left corner. The email will be displayed in your sent items and the contact‘s archive. 5.4 Managing email templates In SpinOffice it is possible to create your templates. 1. Go to the menu item Administration -> Email -> Email templates. 2. Choose one of the two options: New: create new templates based on the default template. What's the default template? See below: Add merge fields e.g. «My Email», «My first name», «My last name», or «My Job title» from -My list- to customize the template. When finished, click on 'Save'. Open: open an existing template in order to adjust the content of it. When finished, click on 'Save'. 3. Choose 'Edit’ to set the subject and some preferences, add attachments, and determine the template tab that the template should be saved under. Click on ‘Save’ when finished and close this template builder section. 5.5 Personal information for your email signature Go to the menu item Administration -> User settings -> User profile to complete your contact information. Most of the information can be used as a mail merge field in the email template builder (Administration -> Email -> Email templates). So make sure you fill in your profile. If you upload your company logo, it will be automatically added to the default email template. 5.6 Action types The last menu item in the Email templates screen is ‘Action types’. In this section, you define the template to use for each action. What should be the template for sending an email, for forwarding an email, and for replying? And which template to use for incoming and outgoing call reports.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 1:13 PM -
6. The Inbox
All email messages will be displayed in your inbox. Incoming messages that are recognized will automatically be linked to a corresponding contact. If the recipient is unknown you can add the contact to your database as new or link it to an existing contact. In the following paragraphs, we will explain more about the tools that the inbox contains. 6.1 Screen layout 6.2 Linking emails to contacts 6.3 Linking emails to a folder 6.4 Linking emails to colleagues 6.5 Converting emails to a task 6.6 Archiving/finishing emails 6.7 The difference between Finish & Delete 6.8 Menu items under right-click 6.1 Screen layout The inbox screen is divided into five parts. Below we explain what information can be found where. Part 1: Messages overview All messages from the selected IMAP folder on the left side are displayed. Default, your Inbox folder is selected of course. Messages are arranged by date, but you can change that on top of the list under 'Filter on'. Arrange items by date or email address. Other options to filter the messages are unread items, highlighted, private items, or unlinked items. Important points of attention: Double-click on the sender: and you will be taken to the corresponding contact card. Double-click on the message subject: and the message will open. Right-click provides a menu with several smart tools. This is the same menu that can be called up in your archive. (Chapter 4. Archive section) There is an important difference between the 'Finish' and 'Delete' functions. We explain this in paragraph 6.7. 2. Preview the selected message In addition to the message overview, you will see the preview as you are used to in your email application. The entire message is shown here. 3. Contact widget Just like in the contacts screen, you will find the contact widget in the inbox, but here on the left. This column shows the name and address and contact details, outstanding tasks, files, etc. This way you can see at a glance what is going on in this contact. The contact widget is therefore different for every relationship. Just like from the contacts screen, you can adjust the information or add something. To do this, use the 'hamburger' icon at the top of the contact widget. Is the email address unknown? The option is then given to add the relationship as a new one to the database or to link the email address to an existing contact. 4. Email account folders Here you will find the folders as you are used to with any other email client. Synchronize the following folders with your webmail: incoming mail, sent items, trash, and SPAM folder. Only the 'Finished' folder may be new to you. We discuss this function in section 6.7. 5. My folders Here you can create folders that are not linked to contacts, i.e. your folders. Once you have 'My folders', you can drag messages in your Inbox here to make it easier to find them later. In addition, the header of this screen contains several important components. On the left, you will find the quick actions you expect. On the right side, there is the option to navigate to other mailboxes by clicking on your name, as well as the search function (search by name, subject, or content) and the 'gear' icon for the Inbox preferences. See all options below. 6.2 Linking emails to contacts Any message, from a familiar and unknown email address, can be linked to any contact. Why would you link a mail to a contact? To make sure that emails end up in the proper archive. Unknown senders are marked with the question mark icon. Add them as new contacts to the database by clicking on the question mark icon or link to an existing contact via the right-click menu option ‘Link to contact’. You can link emails to several types of contacts in your inbox: Link an unknown sender to an existing contact: use the right-click, choose ‘Link to Contact’, and search for the right contact in your SpinOffice to link to, in the search box which will appear. After linking the correct contact, the current message and subsequent messages will be stored in the corresponding archive, and the contact and email address will be paired. Add an unknown sender as a new contact to the database: use the right-click, choose ‘Add contact’, and fill in all relevant information. After saving, contact will be added and the current message and subsequent messages will be stored in the corresponding archive. Link a familiar sender to an existing contact: use the right-click, choose ‘Link to Contact’ in the menu, and search for the right contact to link to, in the search box that will appear. After linking the correct contact, only this particular message will be stored in the corresponding archive. An individual email message can be linked to more than one contact. 6.3 Linking emails to a folder An email can be linked to a folder. With folders, you can organize and classify messages from a contact. Examples of commonly used folders are; service, support, sales, tenders, projects, visits, and invoices. A link can be made in two ways: Right-click when on the message and select ‘Link to Folder’. All existing folders are listed and can be linked by double-clicking on the folder name so that it is moved to the right part of the screen. Drag and drop the message by its subject directly into a folder into a folder in the list on the left. Linking to a folder is only possible once folders have been created. Note that if a new folder is created, it is always linked to the contact that is visible/active on your screen! To see the complete content of the folder, double-click on the folder in the list on the left. 6.4 Linking emails to colleagues A smart feature in SpinOffice is the option to link any email to a colleague. You don't have to forward messages anymore, just link the colleague of your choice to the message. Use the right-click on an email message in the inbox and choose ‘Link to Colleague’ or use the quick way as shown below, here in the Preview part. Click on your name and tick the user(s) to where the email should be linked. If needed tick or untick yourself. (there might be cases where it is useful to keep yourself linked too. In both cases, the message is automatically visible in the colleague’s Inbox. 6.5 Converting emails to a task Is there a follow-up action required for a message? Convert the email to a task also via right-clicking on the message and choosing ‘Convert to Task’. You can schedule and prioritize it for yourself. A reminder can be set and also this action can be linked to a folder. 6.6 Archiving/finishing emails This is an important feature. To prevent the inbox from becoming over full, messages should be archived when read and finished with. In SpinOffice we call this 'Finish’. Click on the 'Finish’ icon to remove the message from your inbox; the message itself remains stored in the archive. So the ‘Finish’ function is a way of cleaning up your inbox. All finished items are to be found in the ‘Finished’ folder in the inbox on the left. (see inbox screen layout image in paragraph 6.1) 6.7 The difference between Finish & Delete As mentioned in the paragraph above, finishing an email message in the inbox will make the item disappear. For the ‘Delete’ option the same counts, but there is a different behavior. And there is a difference if the email is linked to one user or multiple users. An email that is only linked to you ‘Finish’: the message will be moved from the inbox folder to the ‘Finished’ folder and the item will be archived behind the contact card of the contact. ‘Delete’: the message will be moved from the inbox folder to the ‘Trash’ folder and is not saved behind the contact card of the contact. An email that is linked to multiple users When an email is linked to you and other colleagues and you click on finish or delete, the behavior is as follows: ‘Finish’: the message is only finished for yourself, the message remains in the Inbox of your linked colleagues. The message is to be found in your ‘Finished’ folder, the item is archived behind the contact card of the contact. ‘Delete’: the message is deleted for all users, the item is moved from the Inbox folder to the ‘Trash’ folder and is not saved behind the contact card of the contact. 6.8 Menu items under right-click As mentioned before in this manual, many smart options are available under the right-click. Use the right-click menu to quickly take action on the selected item in your Inbox.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 1:42 PM -
7. The Calendar
In general, the calendar in SpinOffice does not differ very much from any other calendar client, but our calendar has some smart tools that make it very useful and distinctive from others. We will discuss them in this chapter. 7.1 Screen layout 7.2 Create a new appointment 7.3 Set up recurrence 7.4 Linking appointments to contacts, folders, or colleagues 7.5 Showing birthdays 7.6 Sending appointments by email 7.7 Marking appointments as private 7.8 Calendar sharing 7.9 Calendar preferences (the gear icon) 7.10 Synchronization of the calendar 7.1 Screen layout SpinOffice contains a shared calendar. All users have access to it, and it looks as follows: In the top bar, there are several options that we will point out. New appointment: create a new event. < date/period >: allow you to go through the months/week/days. Today: navigate to today when you are on another month/week. Calendar icon: toggle through the months/week/days, depending on the view. Click on the icon to select your preferred view. Users: where you can select the calendars of your colleagues whether to show or not in your calendar screen (paragraph 7.8 below). 'Gear' icon: extra options and preferences, which will be discussed in paragraph 7.8 below as well. In the calendar, you see different colors for each event. These are based on the type of the event, the so-called 'Activity.' Manage these activities when you're on the main Contacts screen, menu option Administration > Activity codes. Once the activities are made there, you can select them in your calendar. Add an activity to an appointment to make clear that the event is sales-related, internal, service, etc... Appointments can be sent to any contact in the database by email, attached as a .isc file, and appointments can be marked as private and linked to any contact and folder. In the following paragraphs, we discuss all the features of the calendar. 7.2 Create a new appointment Open your calendar via the menu option Go To -> Calendar. Click on New Appointment on the top left of the screen or double-click on the desired day/time to get the following ‘Appointment’ screen. Set all details related to the appointment: specific date & time, location, participants, a reminder, and recurrence. Click on ‘Save' to confirm. Created appointments are instantly shown in the calendar of the assigned user(s). Use the right-click on a calendar item for many options (e.g. delete, duplicate, mark private, print, jump to contact, or link the event to other contacts, folders, or colleagues) 7.3 Set up recurrence The ‘Recurrence’ option allows you to have recurrence on a daily, weekly, monthly, or monthly basis with all possible variations. Click on Repeat on the left tab, check the Repeat checkbox, and set it all up. Once you make an exception in a recurrence, the individual event is disconnected from the series. 7.4 Linking appointments to contacts, folders, or colleagues When creating an appointment, you have the option to link 'participants' (=contacts in your database) to an event. This is useful for three reasons. When a contact is linked to an appointment, the event will be stored in the contact’s archive. Besides that, it is clear to you and your colleagues with whom the appointment will take place. After creating the event, you can send the appointment by mail to all linked contacts (see paragraph 7.6 below for how to do that) Besides linking an event to a contact, the appointment can be linked to folders. This makes a folder more complete than just a collection of files. For instance, if you are working on a project with multiple contacts, it is easy to retrieve information on when you had any appointments and with whom. Use the right-click on any event in the calendar and select the 'Link to folder' option. When you assign an event to multiple colleagues, the event will be shown in their calendar as well. 7.5 Showing birthdays Activate ‘Show birthdays’ via the Preference option on top of the calendar screen. The date of birth field on the contact card will be picked for all active contacts in the database and will be shown in the calendar. 7.6 Sending appointments by email When creating a new appointment and including any contact link to the appointment, you can send it as an attachment by email. On any event in the calendar, use the right-click option 'Send as attachment'. The event will be sent as a .isc calendar file by email. In SpinOffice, a new tab is opened where you can select an email template and add a personal message. When only one contact is linked; SpinOffice opens a new email window with the appointment in the attachment. When multiple contacts are linked with it, SpinOffice asks if the mail can be sent. If you choose Yes, SpinOffice will jump to your Drafts folder where the messages are ready. The participant/receiver of the mail can add it to his calendar simply by opening the attached file in the email. Do you are planning to use the option to send the appointment as an attachment more often? Then create a standard email template and add it in the menu option Administration > Action types as action type "Calendar". When done, this template will automatically be called in the future if you want to send the appointment as an attachment. 7.7 Marking appointments as private After the appointment has been made and saved, use the right-click on an appointment to have the option to mark the appointment as private. Nobody, unless you have admin rights, will see the content of the event. A hand icon is shown and only the time is blocked. Colleagues who are linked to a private appointment can see the content of the appointment. 7.8 Calendar sharing In the free version of SpinOffice, you share your calendar with all users. As a Pro user, you can define with which colleague(s) you want to share your calendar with. Go to the Calendar preferences via the Gear-icon on top, click on 'Calendar sharing', and define with whom you share your calendar: Tick the users that may get access to your calendar and click on 'Save' to confirm. In your SpinOffice calendar, click on 'Users' you see the list of all calendars that you have access to. Thus those are all users that granted you access to their calendar. See below an example: Check and uncheck calendars at any time to manage which calendars you want to see, or click on 'My calendar' to see only your items. So this mechanism works both ways; you give access to others (they have your calendar in theirs) and they should give you access to their calendar to see it in yours. 7.9 Calendar preferences (the gear icon) Click on the gear icon in the right corner on top for preferences like the option to 'Show shared events separately' instead of combined and the option to disable/enable the right list view. But also the day to start the week with (Sunday or Monday), the time interval on a day (15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes), and the times the day starts and ends. Adjust all the settings of your choice. All changes are only applicable to you. You all have the 'Print' and 'Import calendar' option here. The option to define with whom you want to share your calendar is also available here. We have explained this option in paragraph 7.8. 7.10 Synchronization of the calendar In both the free Limited and the Pro edition it is possible to sync your calendar in SpinOffice with your mobile devices via a CalDAV account. The sync works both ways. Go to Chapter 14 to read how to activate this.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 2:14 PM -
8. Files, folders & the folder list
To make SpinOffice your daily working environment, you need to import all your contact-related files into your database. Create folders to have your files structured and organized. Almost any file can be imported into the application. 8.1 Adding files to a contact 8.2 The file list 8.3 Creating Folders and Subfolders 8.4 Adding items to a folder or subfolder 8.5 The folder list 8.1 Adding files to a contact Via Drag & Drop or the menu option Extra -> Import -> Files, it is possible to add files directly from your local disc to a contact. All uploaded files will be visible in the contact’s archive. This simplifies the transition from previously used CRM applications or other relationship tools to SpinOffice. 8.2 The file list A complete overview of all files added/uploaded and of files received via email is available via the menu item Go To -> File list. A window opens with a complete list of all files in your SpinOffice. At the top of the window, there is the ability to search files based on description, company, or contact. Use right-click on the file item for many more options. For instance to see file properties, to send as an attachment, to export, to print, to see properties, or to convert to PDF. It is not possible to add new files to SpinOffice via the file list. This is only possible via the contact card, the archive, or when in a folder. 8.3 Creating folders and subfolders In this paragraph, we explain how to create folders and what the main benefits are of using folders. Folders can be created: From a contact’s archive: go to the archive of the contact for whom you are planning to create a folder and click on the ‘+’ icon in the folder list on the left. Within the inbox: once you receive an email and you want to store it in a folder that is not yet created for that particular contact, you can create a folder also via the ‘+’ icon in the folder list on the left in your inbox. In both situations following 'Create new folder' window appears: The ‘Folder name’ field is required. Only select one of the folders in the ‘Is subfolder of’ list if applicable. ‘Folder type’ is a way to make easy filters in the folder list based on a folder type. (Define ‘Folder types’ via the menu option Administration -> Folder types) Click on the save button when finished. The newly created folder will be directly visible in the archive’s folder list on the left and it will instantly open: It will also be added to your complete folder list. This overview is accessible via the menu item Go to -> Folder list. To open a folder, click on the folder in the folder list. As mentioned above, the folder will automatically open in a new window. On the next page, we will show you an example of a folder and important tools and icons. All types of files can be added to any folder; email messages, memos, short text messages, tasks, appointments, call reports, etc. Any contact in your database or a colleague can be linked to a folder. It is even possible to send emails from a folder. The message will automatically be stored in this folder. Important icons that have an important role in a folder: Link folder: Manage the contacts and colleagues that are linked to the folder. A newly added contact will also be displayed on the left part of the window. Folder properties: All folder details can be seen and adjusted here. Time registration: A Pro feature. Time can be written on a folder, and a timesheet can be exported. Import files: Import files from your local disks. Scan: Scan local files in a snap. Export folder: A Pro feature. A zip file can be made of all the content of the folder. Creating a subfolder works the same way as creating a folder, except that the field ‘Is subfolder of’ should be completed. After your subfolders have been made, it will be shown like this. All folders and subfolders are visible. Main folders can be folded and unfolded via the small unfold icon. Use the right-click on a folder or subfolder to access a small menu where several actions can be taken. 8.4 Adding items to a folder or subfolder First, you have to create folders and subfolders to be able to store archive items in these folders. Once you have done so the rest is pretty easy: In the inbox or the archive, drag the selected archive item, whether it is an email, a file, a task, a note, or something else by its description, and drop it into the destination folder or subfolder. After you have dropped the item into the folder, the item will show a folder icon to make clear this item is linked to a folder. There will be a link mark shown in the folder list on the left to indicate that the item is linked to this particular folder. In the contact’s archive, you will have the same for the item and the linked folder. Manage the folders for an archive item via right-click menu item ‘Link to folder’. 8.5 The folder list The folder list (Go To -> Folders) gives an overview of all existing folders. At the top, you can search folders by description or by contact/company. Use the right-click on any folder for more options. Click once on the folder to go to the content. The image above this paragraph shows what this looks like and gives you more information. The folder type list on the left can be adjusted via the administration menu Administration -> Folder types. This is assigned by you as a user when the folder is created, but it is still adjustable via the folder properties.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 2:30 PM -
9. Kanban board
For many of our customers, a solid task system is essential. Since 2020 SpinOffice has offered a simple but clear way of creating and managing your tasks through the 'Kanban board'. The application will help you get through the day even better. 9.1 Creating tasks 9.2 The Kanban board (your task list) 9.3 Finishing tasks 9.4 Reminders 9.1 Creating tasks All tasks for your contacts are saved and displayed on the Kanban board. Create new tasks from your Home dashboard, the Kanban board, or from the contact card for which the task applies, and then click on the "task" icon in the toolbar. The tasks screen looks like this: Enter all relevant details for the task including the linked contact. If you create a task for a colleague, he/she will receive a notification in the Inbox. You can also add an activity, such as 'Sales', 'Support' or 'Invoicing'. See Chapter 12 for more information on activities. The other fields are probably clear. After you have created the task, it will automatically be added to your Kanban board (task list). If a contact link has been added, the task will be displayed in the archive of that contact. Finished tasks are marked in the archive by a green check mark in front of the item and tasks with a high priority are shown in red. 9.2 The Kanban boord (your task list) As we just mentioned, tasks can be created per relationship. All tasks are stored and displayed in the archive of the relevant contact. But SpinOffice also provides an overview of all your current and upcoming tasks. We call this the Kanban board. This screen can be accessed from the Home dashboard, or via menu option Go to -> Kanban board. Your Kanban board looks like this: The Kanban board is a so-called scrum board. A scrum board is a useful tool to visualize the tasks during a project or process in a scrum framework. Tasks go from to-do to doing to done. The Kanban board is divided into four columns: Open tasks: these are tasks without a date; you just ever have to do it; Upcoming: tasks to be completed tomorrow or within 7 or 30 days; Current: tasks to be performed today; Finished: these are all tasks that you have completed. Double-click on the name of the contact to go to the contact card. Double-click the task subject to view all the details of the task and the option to edit or complete it. The Kanban board contains a very good search function that allows you to search by subject, name, or content. And via the gear icon at the top right you can adjust the layout of the Kanban board as desired. High-priority tasks are red, normal tasks are black, and low-priority tasks are green. All your colleagues have access to your Kanban board and thus also have insight into the status of your tasks. 9.3 Finishing tasks In the Kanban board, drag tasks from a column to change the status of a task. It is visually very clear which tasks have already been completed and what you still need to do. This is very clear and motivating! The ultimate goal is of course to get all tasks in the right 'Recently finished' column and therefore to complete them all. If the task is linked to a contact, then the task will of course also be finished on the contact card. The task will have a green check mark next to the item in the archive. All tasks, both finished and outstanding, thus remain visible in the contact's archive. In the archive, click the "Task" item in the left "Communication" bar to view all tasks associated with this contact. 9.4 Reminders At the moment, we have temporarily removed reminders from the task management. We will add this back a.s.a.p... For now, we recommend that you add reminders to calendar events.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 2:44 PM -
10. Call reports & memos
Both call reports and memos are smart tools for archiving communication with relations, for internal use or to retrieve information. Call reports and memos are stored in the contact's archive. When working with multiple users, these messages can be linked to other team members. The message will then be sent and placed in the team member’s inbox. 10.1 Inbound and outbound calls 10.2 Memos 10.1 Inbound and outbound calls Nowadays a lot of communication takes place by phone. It is therefore very important to make call reports of incoming and outgoing phone calls. In SpinOffice, this is very easy. We even created a template for you, already filled with relevant information about your contact. An example of a completed incoming call report: To create a call report, go to the contact card of the relevant contact and click on the ‘Inbound call’ or ‘Outbound call’ icon in the toolbar menu. Relevant contact information is displayed and there is enough space to add text. Attachments from local a file or one already in SpinOffice can be added, a priority level can be given and a folder can be linked to the report. Create your customized call report templates via the menu item Administration -> Email templates. 10.2 Memos Create a memo, also via the toolbar menu, to add relevant information that can be useful in the future. Examples of memos are passwords and login details. Attachments can be added to a memo, priority levels can be given and folders can be linked. All call reports and memos will be stored in the contact's archive.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 2:48 PM -
11. Mailchimp integration
More than 5 million people use Mailchimp to design, send, and track email marketing campaigns. Keep your Mailchimp and SpinOffice data updated with this new integration from Mailchimp where subscribers are in sync. Manage subscribers, bounces, and more. 11.1 What does it include? 11.2 For whom is this integration available? 11.3 Connect MailChimp to SpinOffice 11.4 Mailchimp status at the contact 11.5 How does the integration work? 11.1 What does it include? The most important thing is that, after you have created the link between SpinOffice and Mailchimp once, you can synchronize relationships between Mailchimp audiences and SpinOffice. Create filters in SpinOffice and shoot them to any desired Mailchimp audience. The other way around is to import Mailchimp contacts into SpinOffice so that all desired contacts are in your CRM and synchronized from then on. The most important possibilities of the Mailchimp integration at a glance: Synchronize contacts between SpinOffice and Mailchimp. Manage the status of the contacts in sync; opt in, opt out, bounce. Import Mailchimp contacts into SpinOffice based on your Mailchimp audiences. Export SpinOffice contacts to Mailchimp audiences based on filters. 11.2 For whom is this integration available? The integration is available for all users, but different for our price plans. In the free version version In the free version, it is only possible to import all Mailchimp contacts of your audiences into SpinOffice. You can also export contacts from SpinOffice to Mailchimp. However, this does cost credits per newly exported contact from SpinOffice to Mailchimp. Below is an example of a monthly export and the possible costs. As an example; you want to send a monthly mailing from Mailchimp to all your 200 customers. Why Mailchimp and not SpinOffice? Because Mailchimp provides all kinds of data after sending, and because it is easier to create a template in Mailchimp. The first time you filter your relations in SpinOffice and export them to the Mailchimp mailing list; we ask for 1 credit per exported contact, so 200 credits (equals €10). The next month you will have 10 new customers and the same filter will therefore have 210 contacts. If you export these 210 relations to Mailchimp, we only charge credits for the 10 new contacts: so 10 credits (€0.50). Based on the email address, it is checked whether the contacts are already on the MailChimp mailing list. Name changes are updated in both directions. As you read above, it initially costs you a relatively large number of credits for an export to Mailchimp. But if you repeatedly do the same action to the same mailing list, it becomes relatively cheap. In the Pro version In the Pro version, you have all the features as discussed in section 11.1. 11.3 Connect Mailchimp to SpinOffice It's very easy! Follow the steps to connect your Mailchimp account to SpinOffice. In SpinOffice, go to the main menu. Choose the menu option Mailchimp. Fill in the Mailchimp API Key. Where do you find this? Log in to your Mailchimp account and go to account settings. Copy the API Key in Mailchimp to your clipboard. Return to SpinOffice paste the API Key into the required field and click 'Save Mailchimp API key' to connect the accounts. 11.4 Mailchimp status at the contact After the connection has been made, the Mailchimp widget will be shown on the right side of each contact on the contact list screen. See below for an example. The status of the contact for each mailing list is shown: '-' means: not on this list. 'Opt-in' means: subscriber is on this list. 'Opt-out' means: unsubscribed from this list. 'Bounce' means: Mailchimp was unable to deliver the previous message, so it is not on this list. 11.5 How does the integration work? After the connection has been made, there are several options. Manage Mailchimp mailing lists in SpinOffice. Managing mailing lists is currently (Nov 2023) under development. Available soon via the main menu, option Administration -> Mailchimp admin. Add an individual contact in SpinOffice as a subscriber to a Mailchimp mailing list. Go to the contacts screen. Search for the desired contact via the search field. Use the right-click and choose Edit contact details. Click on Mailchimp on the left. Change the status to 'Opt-in' on the desired mailing list(s). Add multiple contacts in SpinOffice as subscribers to a Mailchimp mailing list. Go to the contacts screen. First, create the filter of your choice with all contacts that you want to send to the Mailchimp mailing list. When done, at the top of the screen, choose Mass actions -> Bulk contact change. The following screen is displayed. Select as 'Field' the desired Mailchimp mailing list. As a value, select 'Opt-in'. Click on Edit to adjust. All relations are now subscribed to the chosen mailing list. Filter all contacts that are subscribed to a Mailchimp mailing list. Go to the contacts screen. For any contact, go to the contact widget on the right. Click on the 'funnel' icon for the desired mailing list. Choose 'Opt-in'. All contacts that have subscribed to the mailing list are shown. Of course, you can also go through these steps to filter relationships that have a different status, such as opt-out or bounce.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 2:59 PM -
12. Administration menu options
Fit your data to your business by customizing templates, contact types, info fields, keywords, tags, activity codes, and many more. How? Many of the customizations can be done within menu options Administration. We will explain each menu item. Note: The available menu options in Administration may differ per user; this depends on the rights that you have been granted by the 'super administrator' in your database. So if you do not find the items below within the Administration menu, please ask the 'super administrator' within your organization for the right user rights. CRM preferences Manage all the company settings from here. All changes apply to all users. This menu option is only shown to users with 'Administrator' rights. Manage many preferences to personalize the database. For instance, the option to adjust the date format, the ability to show an extra company name line, street numbers, and US states. All items in CRM preferences are discussed in Chapter 16. All options in CRM preferences. User settings Manage all the settings per user. By default, your profile is loaded. Select the user of your choice in the top corner on the left for whom you want to manage the settings. We explain all the tabs for you: User Profile Personalize your profile and complete the missing information. Any information you enter here can also be used in your email template. Under the sub-tab 'Security' you can disable a user by entering a no longer employed date. This ensures that a user can no longer log in. CRM part This part gives the option of how to sort your contacts everywhere they are shown. For instance Company (Last name, First name) or Firstname, Lastname (Company). Besides that, a grid is shown where you can define which contact types you want to be able to see. Exclude contact types that are not interesting to you, and you will not be able to find any of the contacts in your database. Synchronization Activate the sync options. Both the Limited and the Pro editions support synchronization of all contacts and calendars in SpinOffice with your iPhone, iPad Mac, and Android mobile device via a CardDAV / CalDAV sync account. Enable the options and an email with details will be sent to you. More information about the sync can be found in Chapter 14. Notifications Define the style of notifications on your desktop, when the application is open. For Mac, it is possible to overrule the notification style via System Preferences -> Notifications on your Mac. Default tabs/screens Define the default tabs (on Mac) or screens (on Windows) to open when starting SpinOffice. For Limited users, the Home dashboard is shown as a starting screen by default. Mailboxes Here you will find the configured mail accounts for the selected user. Add new mail accounts here. The sender settings can also be found here. The last two tabs 'Rights' and 'Contact types' are only shown if you have the SuperAdmin rights. Rights Determine the rights of the selected user. More information about rights in SpinOffice can be found in chapter 13. Contact types Determine which contact types the selected user is allowed to use. Integrations Here you will find all the integrations available for your account. Here you will find all the manuals. Email Email Settings Your IMAP email properties are saved here. If you have configured your email the during first login, the information you have set will be displayed in this admin section. Multiple new mail accounts can be added here by entering the IMAP information of any domain in the last empty row. (Chapter 5 Integrating your email) From addresses Define the email addresses per user that he/she may use for sending emails. For instance, info@ can be added as an outgoing mail address for each user, including his/her name. Email templates Via this menu item, you can manage your mail templates. By default, there is an incoming and outgoing call report template and an email template. New templates can be added, edited, and saved. This menu item is also accessible via the arrow next to 'Email' in the toolbar menu. (Paragraph 5.4 Managing email templates) Manage template tabs Email templates can be categorized into tab items here. New tab items can be made by entering text in the last row. Next to ‘Default templates’, the following are created in your account; ‘General templates’, ‘Internal templates’, and ‘Tender templates’. As soon as you add a new email template to one of these (via the previous menu item), the tab will appear in the menu under the arrow next to 'Email' in the toolbar. Contact type Manage all the contact types that you and your colleagues can use. Read here what you can do with contact types. Salutation Manage the drop-down items of the ‘Salutation’ field on the contact card in this admin menu item. But this feature is smart; you can indicate if the salutation is formal or informal and if it should be followed by the first name or last name. This way you can create email salutations like 'Dear Mr. Smith' or 'Hi John’. (Paragraph 3.2 Explanation of labels & fields on the contact card) Keywords The keywords that are listed at the bottom of the contact card screen, can be arranged and adjusted via this menu item. There is space for 40 keywords and these are often used for filtering purposes. (Paragraph 3.12 Tab items below the contact card) Keywords are since 2022 replaced by tags. Contact card fields Customize all extra fields mentioned on the contact. These are generic fields; not different per contact type. Info fields You have 4 info fields in the Limited version and 20 info fields available in Pro. These are also generic fields. Action types In this section, mail templates can be linked to all possible actions. You can determine which template should be used when you send, respond to, or forward a message and when you write a memo or fill in a call report. (Paragraph 5.5 Action types) Folder types Define default folders based on the types of files that can be added to them. In the folder list via menu item Go To -> Folder list you will find all previously created folders with the default types on the left. Every folder you create requires a folder type. (Chapter 8.5 The folder list) Default folders Define default folders that should be created automatically when a contact of a certain type is added to the database. So it is a place to create rules like; once a contact of the contact type ‘Client’ is added to the database, instantly create the folder in the archive named “Invoices” and “Contract”. Activity codes Tasks, appointments, and folders can be allocated to an activity. In the task list and folder list, you can filter on activity. In the calendar, when you add an activity to an appointment (for instance 'Private' or 'Sales'), the corresponding activity code color is shown. Drop-down lists Choose an Info field and make a predefined list of choices that will be chosen for that field. Users can then only choose the entered values from the predefined list. For example, you can use an Info field for 'industries' and enter all industries here. This prevents other values from being entered. Tags Tags are the successor to the current keywords option in SpinOffice. Use tags to distinguish and group your business contacts. Decide for yourself which tags you want to use for your contacts. For example, make a distinction between certain products or services, categories, a certain status, or customer characteristics. Then give the correct tag(s) to any contact in your CRM. This way you can search, categorize, and filter your contacts even more efficiently. Read here How do tags work? Credits In SpinOffice, credits are used for exporting contacts to Mailchimp and for sending SMS text messages. This menu option gives a status of the number of credits left, where credits were spent and it gives the ability to purchase extra credits. (100 credits cost $5.99) Extra SMS options A Pro feature. It allows you to send birthday & scheduled short text messages to your contacts. Plus there is an option to create text message templates.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 3:42 PM -
13. User rights & permissions
SpinOffice is an application where all data is accessible to every user because this is what makes a shared CRM application so powerful. But of course limitations in functionalities can be set per user such as the right to delete relations, merge, export, etc., and permissions who can see what. For example, mailboxes can be shielded, but also, among other things, groups of contacts, individual files, files, and calendar appointments. In this chapter, we discuss the following topics: 13.1 Where can I set the rights per user? 13.2 Explanation of all user rights and permissions 13.3 Who can set rights per user? 13.1 Where can I set the rights per user? In the main menu, go to the menu option Administration -> User Settings and choose the Rights sub-tab on the left. Don't have this option? Then you do not have the 'SuperAdmin' right. Ask within your organization for the correct user with the 'SuperAdmin' right with the request to also give you the 'SuperAdmin' right. Below you see the permissions screen. Every user with the 'SuperAdmin' right therefore has the right to manage the rights of all users. SuperAdmin also gives the right to determine who is entitled to which contact types. This option can also be found under Administration -> User Settings, and then the Contact Types sub-tab on the left. 13.2 Explanation of all user rights and permissions So there is a difference between the rights a user has and the permission a user can give to share certain parts. All rights Most rights are clear. A few special ones are worth mentioning. SuperAdmin gives a user the right to manage all rights of all users. Users without 'SuperAdmin' rights do not have access to this section. Administration menu access gives the user the possibility to adjust email templates, contact types, labels, info fields, etc. All messages, All files, and All folders give the right to see privately marked items. This is a dangerous one because it allows a user to view files that are protected. Permissions In addition to the above rights, each user has the option to decide with whom they share their Inbox, Calendar, and Kanban board. This is regardless of the assigned permissions. To determine the permissions, in the main menu go to menu option Administration -> User Settings and choose the sub-tab CRM part. Contact types SuperAdmin also gives the right to determine who is entitled to which contact types. This option can also be found under Administration -> User Settings, and then the Contact Types sub-tab on the left. Check for the selected user which contact types this person can see. When setting up the database, it is therefore wise to think about the contact types. These are decisive in the rights. 13.3 Who can set rights per user? All users, regardless of the assigned permissions, can decide with whom they share their Inbox, Calendar, and Kanban board under the menu option Administration -> User Settings and choose the sub-tab CRM part. In the free Limited version, every user has the right to see everything by default. Users can decide for themselves what they want to protect from each other. In the Pro version, users with the 'SuperAdmin' right can control the rights of all users. See above.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 3:54 PM -
14. Synchronization
Synchronization of data is crucial these days. SpinOffice offers a sync of contacts, calendar, and email. 14.1 Contacts sync 14.2 Calendar sync 14.3 Email sync 14.1 Contacts sync Both the free Limited and the Pro editions support synchronization of all contacts in SpinOffice with your Contacts application on your iOS (iPhone/iPad) or Android device. In SpinOffice, on the Contacts screen please go to menu option Administration -> User settings -> Synchronization to activate the sync. We create a so-called CardDAV sync account. Instantly an email with the configuration manual will be sent to you and we let you choose the contact types you want to have in sync. Once the CardDAV account is activated, all contacts added in SpinOffice or on your device will be in sync (as long as SpinOffice is set as the default contact list). Click here for the configuration manuals of your choice. 14.2 Calendar sync The ability to synchronize the calendar in SpinOffice with the Calendar application on an iPhone, iPad, and Mac iCal but also Android is also possible for Limited and Pro users. In SpinOffice, on the Contacts screen please go to menu option Administration -> User settings -> Synchronization to activate the sync via a CalDAV sync account. Just like for the contacts sync, instantly an email with the configuration manual will be sent to you. Once the CalDAV account is activated, all calendar items added in SpinOffice or on your device (when SpinOffice is selected as a calendar) will be in sync. Click here for the configuration manuals of your choice. 14.3 Email sync Email in SpinOffice is in sync when IMAP is set as an incoming email server for the configured email account. Many email clients like Gmail, Hotmail/Outlook, AOL mail,,, Yahoo, Strato, etc., do support IMAP. Both the incoming and sent items are synced with SpinOffice and the primary client. Check the following FAQ's for email configuration support
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 3:59 PM -
15. Training & support
15.1 User support & tickets For Limited free edition users, we provide initial free support to help you set up the account. If you have questions in the first few weeks, please write us an email or call us: +31 70 311 5400 (Dutch) +39 386 776 085 (Italian) After initial support, email and phone support will cost $45 per support item. Once you have upgraded to Pro, you will be entitled to email and phone support with a maximum of 4 support tickets per month. Each subsequent support ticket will also cost $45 per support item. 15.2 Online training The most essential key to a successful CRM project is ensuring that users know how to use the software. Without that knowledge, new software is a stumbling block that can decrease productivity and cause frustration among you and your colleagues. Our professional training will teach you how to get things done efficiently, and how to use the system effectively in the context of your business. Training for you and your users will pay for itself many times over and will help ensure the success of your project. Our experience is that customers who were trained report significantly higher user adoption rates. We can train users anywhere in the world We use TeamViewer remote support We hold interactive classes so you can ask questions Online training sessions are typically two-hour One-off costs: $180 Sign up here for our online training!
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 4:01 PM -
16. All options in CRM preferences
Let us discuss all options that are found under the menu option Administration -> CRM preferences. There are two important things to keep in mind: CRM preferences are only accessible for users with 'Administration menu access' rights because they contain settings that can have major consequences for the use of the software. All changes made in CRM preferences apply to all users within the database. The CRM preferences screen consists of several tabs. In this chapter, we will discuss all items within these tabs. Each tab has its paragraph: 16.1 General 16.2 CRM part 16.3 Email & Tasks 16.4 Auto-clean 16.5 Time 16.6 Security 16.7 Company 16.1 General We repeat once again: all changes made inCRM preferences apply to all users within the database. Display language Choose your preferred language. You can choose from the following languages: English, Dutch, Italian, French, Danish, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish. Date format Choose between dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy. This setting will change all date formats that are used in SpinOffice. Time format 24-hour clock or AM/PM clock. Country state field The option is to show the US states, Canadian provinces, Australian states, and Brazilian states on the contact card. Hide the date for today's items. Only the time is shown for items (emails, tasks, etc.) once this option is ticked. This results in a visually better distinction between today's items and items from the past. Enable time registration This option is shown but is only working once you have a Pro license. It allows you to add time to a folder, with a timesheet log as a result. 16.2 CRM part Default list bar in Archive In a contact's archive, on the left side, there are two tabs; 'Communication' and 'Folders'. The drop-down option that is saved here as default defines the tab that is open once you navigate to a contact's archive. Show communication of employees in the employer's archive. In SpinOffice you can build a hierarchy level with one main contact card (=employer or company name) and employees below that. All will have their contact card with personal archives. When the setting 'Show communication of employees in employer's archive' is ticked, the archives of all employees are combined and chronologically shown in the archive of the main contact card (employer or company name). Show folders of the employer in the employee's archive It can be useful to show also the folders that belong to the main contact card of the company (mainly the employer card) when you are in the archive of any employee. How do you recognize the folders in an employee's archive? These folders have a blue folder icon instead of a yellow one. Add the tab 'Additional addresses' When you do have not enough space on the contact card for extra addresses, enable this option and an extra tab will be added on the right side of the contact card next to CONTACT DETAILS. Use full-width for the tabs below the contact card screen We advise you to activate this setting only when your company uses the additional Questionnaire module since this adds a tab below the contact card next to KEYWORD and it needs full screen at the bottom. Otherwise, there is no need to broaden the lower part. Replace the left mouse click 'Edit' option with a search option Tick this option when you want to have 'Edit' under the right click only, and a search box under the left click. The search box is a nice tool, it allows you to search for content in the field you selected. For example, if you click on the Company field, the search box appears and you can search on companies only. This option is useful too when the left Contact list is hidden. The left Contact list can be hidden on request. Why would you hide the list? Well, experienced SpinOffice users do not use the left Contact list often for search, but prefer only to use a search field or search box on a field. And when the left Contact list is hidden there is more space on the right side of the contact card to show the Contact's dashboard. 16.3 Email & Tasks Preferred view in Inbox By default, the inbox shows the linked relationship instead of the actual sender. In this setting, this is 'Show linked contact'. This can be adjusted here to 'Show sender/email address'. Keep the contact link on forwarding a message. In a contact's archive, on the left side, there are two tabs; 'Communication' and 'Folders'. The drop-down option that is saved here as default defines the tab that is open once you navigate to a contact's archive. Allow removal of attachments without deleting the message Default, this option is ticked. When this option is disabled, none of the users can delete attachments without deleting the message itself. The general idea behind this is that an attachment always belongs to a mail message, so why should anyone be able to delete an attachment? Deleting messages that include attachments is possible regardless of this setting. All deleted messages and attachments end up in the Trash folder of your inbox. 16.4 Auto-clean Cleaning up your CRM database and keeping 'Garbage in, garbage out' away is essential! SpinOffice helps you by providing rules and parameters that you can set within the database as an administrator. SpinOffice cleans up your trash. Please specify the number of days that messages should stay available in your Trash folder in the inbox after you or one of your colleagues has deleted them in the inbox or a contact's archive. SpinOffice cleans up your SPAM. Please specify the number of days that messages should stay available in SPAM after you receive them. We connect through the IMAP protocol. This means that all emails that enter your SPAM folder in webmail will also end up in the SPAM folder in SpinOffice. SpinOffice auto-deletes messages that you mark as finished and that are not linked to a contact or folder. Please specify the number of days that messages should stay available after you finish them. These messages are not important to you, otherwise you would have linked them to a contact or folder before finishing them in your inbox. SpinOffice will keep a backup of all your messages that are deleted, after deleting. By default, we keep the data in the background for 30 days after the period that you have set as a parameter above. This period is used to restore incorrectly deleted files at the request of the customer. We give you the option to adjust the default 30-day period. After the number of days has passed, the data is automatically deleted from our backup server. 16.5 Time When the Time registration module is activated, you can determine here what the default calculated time for an email should be, and whether this should apply to incoming and outgoing messages or a different amount of time. This time can be tracked on a task or file. 16.6 Security SpinOffice CRM offers two-step verification (also known as two-factor authentication), an optional but highly recommended security feature. It is available in a Pro-account. Once it is enabled, SpinOffice requires a six-digit security code in addition to your password when you sign in to your account. Read the FAQ article How to enable two-step verification for all technical information about this feature and its implementation. 16.7 Company Save general information about your company here. All the fields can be used as merge fields in your email template. Here's the list of fields mentioned in this tab and next to that which merge fields in the — My list — dropdown in the email template builder is used for that field: Company name = «My Company Name» Street address «My street» City = «My city» Postal code «My Zipcode» IBAN number fields = «My Info2» BIC (SWIFT) = «My Info3» Bank city = «My Info4» COC number = = «My Info5» VAT number (EU) = «My Info6» How to make your email template in the template builder? Read this FAQ. Besides the general company information, you also have your details. Go to menu option Administration -> User settings -> User profile and fill in your personal information. This information is used for the email signature and for sending SMS text messages as well. Read more information about how to personalize your email template in this FAQ.
Modified on Thu, 13 Feb at 4:14 PM