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Every individual contact has its archive, which is hidden behind the contact card, This archive gives a chronological overview of all correspondence with corresponding contact. Thus all emails, attachments, open and finished tasks, notes, quotes, invoices, and other files are automatically stored in this personal archive, which is in a recognizable Outlook style. When there is an incoming email in your inbox, it will automatically be linked to the contact and also stored in his/her archive. On the left side of the screen, all communication is categorized and therefore easy to find. In a contact’s archive, all items can be highlighted, and marked as private for other users, notes can be added, can be converted to tasks, and many more. All tools are hidden under the right mouse click (or two-finger trackpad click). All archive items can be linked to folders, to other contacts in SpinOffice, or all other database users.
Yes, of course! Based on the email address, incoming messages are automatically linked to the proper contact in the database. You can then finish or delete the messages in your inbox. When finished, the message will disappear from your inbox and the mail will still be visible in the contact's archive. When deleted, the message disappears from your inbox and ends up in the trash. The message cannot be found in the contact's archive. We discuss this in more detail in Chapter 6. The Inbox of the manual. Even when you configure your email (with IMAP) in SpinOffice for the first time, all incoming emails, sent items, and trash folder items will be brought in and will also be linked. Unknown email addresses show a question mark icon. Use right-click to open the menu and choose 'Add contact' to add this email address together with the correct name and address details directly as a new contact to SpinOffice. We also explain this in Chapter 6.
There are many scenarios where you want to link an email to a contact. Link an email from an unknown person to a contact. This item will show a '?' in your Inbox because the sender is unknown. Add this as a new relationship or link this email address to an existing relationship. Add the unknown email address as a new contact: Right-click on the email message and choose Add Contact from the menu that appears. The following window will be displayed. A window will appear where you can enter all the contact's names and address details. At the bottom, 'Link existing emails to this contact' is checked. Leave it like this. Choose Save. The contact is created, and the email address, including all emails from and to this email address, is saved. Or link the unknown email address to an existing relationship: Right-click on the email message and choose Contact Link from the menu that appears. The following window will be displayed. Find the desired contact. Double-click on the name to move the contact to Linked Contact. At the bottom, you will see 'Also link selected contact(s) to the email address: ....'. When this is checked, all messages from and to this email address will be linked to the linked contact. So this is often desirable to do. Choose Save. Please note: by choosing 'Also link selected contact(s) to the email address: ....', all messages from and to this email address will be saved with the relation. You can always remove the email address of the relation and thereby unlink email messages. Link an email from an existing contact to another contact(s). This concerns an email in your Inbox (or other mail folder or archive) that is already linked to a relationship in the database. You can link this message to any desired relationship in the database as follows: Right-click on the email message and choose contact Linking from the menu that appears. The following window will be displayed. Find the desired contact(s). Double-click the name to move the relationship to Linked Contacts. Choose Save. The message in question will be saved in the contact's archive. Only this particular message will be linked, not the email address. Linking relationships or emails to files works in the same way. Instead of contact Linking, choose File Linking. Linking relationships to emails and files is a must for building a solid and reliable archive!
On various spots within the application it is possible to import files and to connect them to a contact in order to build up a file. Import local files (e.g. documents, Pdf’s, images, spreadsheets) in order to connect them to contacts: Go to the contact card of the person you would like to import files for. Drag & drop local files from your desktop / Finder into the contact card or archive screen in SpinOffice. Instead of the drag & drop option you can also go to menu option Extra -> Import -> Files. Confirm the import in right bottom corner of the application screen. Go to the contact’s archive to see the imported files. It is possible to import multiple files, a folder is unfortunately not yet possible. Attach files to a new email via drag & drop too. Once you’ve send the email, the files are automatically imported and linked to the contact card of the specified contact. And it’s also possible to drag & drop imported files into folders that you already have created in the database. How to do this? First you need to build up a folder structure for the contact. Create a folder via the ‘+’ in the contact’s archive. All created folders (linked to contacts) are listed in the left list bar section of the contact’s archive. Import files via the steps mentioned above. Pick the imported file by its subject and drag it into any folder you want. Use double click on the folder to view the complete content. In the inbox the same drag & drop option is possible once there are folders for that particular contact.
All kinds of information can be added to folders. Examples of commonly used folders are service, support, sales, tenders, projects, visits, and invoices. Folders are always linked to one or multiple contacts. The first thing to do is create a new folder: menu item New -> Folder or directly in a contact’s archive by clicking on the ‘+’ button in the left folder section. Beware that if a new folder is created, it belongs to the contact that is currently on your screen! A folder link can be made in several ways: In your inbox: via right-click (two fingers trackpad click) when on the message and select ‘Folder link’. All created folders for this contact are mentioned and can be linked and unlinked via the arrows in the center of this screen. Or drag and drop the message directly to a destination folder in the left folder section. In your archive: via right-click (two fingers trackpad click) when on the message and select ‘Folder link’. All created folders for this contact are mentioned and can be linked and unlinked via the blue and red arrows. Or drag and drop the message directly to a destination folder in the left folder section. Watch this tutorial in which we explain how to create and use folders in SpinOffice to organize your archive and save time retrieving information.